Monday, February 23, 2009

Little Reminders

Our family prays before every meal. This past week I was rushing about at lunch time getting things done when it came time for me to actually sit down to eat, I dove right into my food. As I was enjoying my first bite I looked at Isaiah who had placed his food down and folded his hands to pray. Wow, I thought our 10 month old remembered. I forgot to pray and our baby knows we always bless our food. Our kids are always watching us and they can remind us of little life's lessons. Thank you God for the faith and example of little children. These little gifts from God.

Visiting Dad at the Firehouse

The boys always like to go see Dad at his firehouse, especially Michael. Daddy is always wonderful with the boys letting Michael check out every gadget, every bell that rings, and turn on all the fire lights. Michael even wanted the radio on in one of the vehicles to listen while he pretended to drive.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Photo Shoot

We wanted some pictures of Isaiah in his hanbok for his first birthday coming in March. Michael wanted to put his hanbok on as well, and did not want to take it off. Isaiah was very happy to get his off. I got a picture of Isaiah relieved to have all those clothes off.

50's in February

The boys have enjoyed getting outside in this beautiful weather!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun before the Flu!

We spent the last two weeks battling a terrible flu around our house. Before we got sick we went to the birthday party mentioned below and had a play date with our little friend Ali. The boys sure enjoy playing with Ali. Michael is almost 3, Ali is a year and a half and Isaiah is 10 months. They all play well together. Yes, Isaiah keeps up with the older two crazy kids.

Birthday Party

The boys were at their cousin Marissa's birthday party at Rocky Rocco's. They had a great time. Unfortunately we did not get a picture of Marissa, but we did get the boys with their cousin Sammy. Always good to see family. Michael loves his Uncle Eli. He follows him everywhere when he is around him. Eli his pictured trying to get the boys to look at the camera. Aunt Catie helped Michael with the games so I could hold Isaiah. Thanks Catie, Michael had fun!