Saturday, December 6, 2008

Getting Ready for Christmas

This past week we decorated our home for Christmas. Both boys took turns wearing the Santa hat. Isaiah seemed to be in a joy filled Christmas mood. That is Isaiah's personality, joy! His outfit does not match the season, oh well.

Christmas Photo Shoot

Christmas photo shoot. Getting two boys to look at the camera this year was a little more challenging and fun. These are some of the pictures from that day. I thought you might enjoy.

Christmas Tree Hunt

We went to cut down our Christmas Tree. The boys did great! Michael liked hiking around and Isaiah enjoyed the fresh air. After we found our perfect tree they warmed up in the car while Dad attached it to our car. A pickle Christmas tradition enjoyed every year!

Fall Update . . .

Sorry, it has been a while. What have we been up to this fall? Isaiah had his surgery and has been recovering. The boys have had lots of time to play together, a favorite place in the house is under the coffee table. Isaiah is a mover. He climbs stairs, walks along furniture . . . and can crawl very fast. Michael is growing fast using such big words and phrases now. He loves his brother but is still learning how to be nice to him. I guess it is a brotherly love relationship.